Why Is Your Eyelid Twitching?

Posted on: 22 September 2016

Do your eyelids frequently twitch? Perhaps you experience this only in one eye, or maybe it happens in both eyes from time to time. Eyelid twitches are rarely anything serious, but they can be bothersome. Here's a look at some of the common causes and how to address them.


A lack of sleep can cause your eyelids to twitch, especially if you're also stressed out. When you don't get enough sleep, the nerves that control your eyelids may start "misfiring," leading to this twitching. Getting more sleep should cause the twitching to go away. Aside from going to bed earlier, here are a few ways to get more, better sleep:

  • Don't look at a screen for an hour before bedtime. The light will keep you awake.
  • Keep your room a little on the cooler side. You won't sleep well if you're super warm and constantly having to throw off your covers.
  • Wear earplugs to block out noise from outside.

Eye Strain

When was the last time you visited the eye doctor? If your lens prescription is out of date and you need a stronger or weaker one, your eyes may be under some excessive strain, and this could be causing your eyelids to twitch. If you have never needed glasses or contacts in the past, frequent eye twitching could be a sign that your vision is declining. Once you get the right glasses prescription, you'll notice the twitching subside, since your eyes won't have to work as hard.


Caffeine excites certain nerves, including some related to your eyes and eyelids. If you're a coffee lover or soda addict, your habit may be the cause of your eye twitching. Try cutting back on caffeine. Some people have to cut it out of their diets completely in order to stop the twitching, but other people can just cut back a little and see an improvement. Try decreasing your caffeine intake by a cup of coffee (or soda) per day initially. After a few days, cut back by one more cup. When you're not longer experiencing twitching, you've found a caffeine level that agrees with you.

If your eyelids continue to twitch, schedule an appointment with an eye doctor. While this issue is rarely serious, there are times when it may be caused by something more sinister, like a tumor that's pressing on a nerve or a nutritional imbalance. Identifying the cause is the first step toward alleviating the twitching.
